Solemn and joyous
This past weekend, our youngest granddaughter got married. It was so beautiful and God-honoring. Annie and Wyatt said their vows in an open-air wedding chapel. Both are faithful followers of Christ. At the rehearsal dinner, as is custom, I shared my poem written for them, entitled ‘A heavenly match’. And there could not be a more appropriate description. So many testimonies by family and friends, especially the wedding party, pointing to the way God led these two to each other. It was solemn and joyous!
Their love for each other is grounded in their love for Christ. Their wedding ceremony points to the eternal marriage of Christ, the Bridegroom, and the Body of Christ, the bride. At the very beginning of creation, God ordained that the husband and wife leave their parents to cleave to each other and become one. That is the same image as us who have been born again into an eternal relationship with Christ as our Savior, yes, but also as our Bridegroom.
Full devotion
Just like the Jewish custom of preparing a place for his bride to be, then returning for her, Jesus has prepared our home, and he is going to return to take us to himself, for eternity. The parable of the ten virgins is so powerful. Five were ready and waiting, but five were away getting their lamps filled when the bridegroom came. Jesus desires our full devotion. Anything less is idolatry to him. Are we anxiously awaiting his return for us?
You could see the deep love Annie and Wyatt have for each other. Their eyes, as they looked at each other, told it all. Can you even imagine one day looking fully into your Bridegroom’s eyes? Wyatt and Annie, thank you for reflecting Christ’s love!