What you can do...
You may be wondering, “What can I do”?, “How can I change the state of our world to make a difference”? At Abiding Fathers, we want you to know that you belong, you have a place, God has called you for a special purpose. We want to come alongside you on your journey in whatever place you may be. The first step is at the foot of the cross, laying your sins before Jesus Christ, your Lord and Savior. He will give you new life, a life that is abundant. All good things will flow from that relationship with your Heavenly Father. Once you’ve been reconciled to Him, reconcile with your wife and children. Ask for forgiveness where it is needed and make a covenant with them that you will “never leave nor forsake them”. We encourage all men to start with their relationship with God and their own families before taking on the role of mentor, leader of a group, or other service your family needs from you first and foremost.
Now that your affairs are in order with your relationship with Christ, your wife and family, we have opportunities to minister to other men who are in desperate need of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Abiding Fathers curriculum. Together, we can make a difference, one dad at a time. Thank you, and welcome aboard.
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."
~Matthew 25:40 NIV