What about your house?

Be the Dad

A patriarch

Have you ever stopped to really consider this statement, and its implications? House here implies those individuals in Joshua’s family, even his extended family. The people of Israel were at a crossroads and Joshua was at the end of his long and victorious life. He is challenging them as they move forward without his, and earlier, Moses’ leadership. Joshua was the patriarch of his family. He had led them well. He had an incredible mentor in his life, Moses.

But he was wise enough to know that the Israelites were given to stray from worshiping God. He also knew they could become splintered, living separately in their own designated lands. Their oneness would be tested. They had much respect for Joshua. His statement would have carried great weight with them going forward. He was God’s key spokesman and he wanted to honor the Lord. It wasn’t an idle word he was speaking. It was to challenge and unify this, and future generations.

A message

What about you and your ‘house’ as it relates to whom you are currently serving or anticipate serving in the future? Joshua is still actually speaking to you and me after thousands of years. What are the things that may be dominating our lives that we seem to be serving? Is it our career, financial security, reputation, our kids, what? Many are truly subtle. If they seem to be the overriding focus in our everyday lives, then maybe a sober examination needs to take place.

Dad, mom, is your ‘house’ in order as it comes to serving the Lord? Not simply going to church each Sunday. Your children will leave home one day. Will their ‘house’ be furnished adequately to serve the Lord?

Written by Bill C. Dotson

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Be the Dad Devotionals

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Abiding Fathers is a Biblical fatherhood discipleship ministry committed to helping men be the dad…God wants them to be. It’s a movement of God that is “International-Relational-Generational”. Join with us. We need you!

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