How Has Technology Changed Parenting?

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How Has Technology Changed Parenting?

Be the Dad


Do you know when the first fully digital communication system was invented? Think back to the late 19th century, yes, the 1800’s. The telegraph, which is long distance transmission of text or symbols.
As technology evolved, computers started communicating, first with local networks (LAN), then wide-area networks (WAN) in the 1950’s and 1960’s. New systems were created to allow communication over longer distances and at higher speeds and eventually, the internet, as we know it, came into full use in the 1990’s.

Technology has helped make life more comfortable and more convenient. We can warm food in 60 seconds. We have airbags and seat belts to protect us on roads. And, we can instantly show our closest 500 friends what we ate or, out of pride, carefully paint a picture-perfect portrayal of our life on social media.

As fathers, we spend a lot of time trying to avoid or treat pain for us and our children. We want the best for our children and often try to protect them so they will not experience the struggles we faced. In our pursuit of being a great dad, we might need to pause and think, ‘In helping make things more comfortable for our children, is it a benefit for them long term?’.

So, like Benjamin Franklin might do, we will write the ‘pros’ in one column and ‘cons’ in another.

How has technology helped dads parent?

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Access to vast resources helping us know more about how to fulfill our role as fathers.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Smart phones provide tools to more quickly access loved ones via text, phone, video, etc.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Technology also provides means to better protect (and / or track) loved ones.

How has technology hindered dads in parenting?

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Access to vast resources which can direct children away from parents and away from relevant sources of information to popular sources of information.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]New technologies are set up on a reward system to validate us and loved ones when we spend more time connected to a device, limiting time for real-life connections.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Technology also provides means to better track our moves and feed us with whatever we desire. This can contribute to us or family members falling into addictions and / or immoral behavior.

The key is discernment. Technology can be used for positive and negative means. If we take advantage of what it has to offer to positively parent, that’s great.

Here are some helpful thoughts regarding parenting today.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Are you allowing your children to grow through their struggles or are you providing instant solutions for them? Think of muscle growth, which comes from tearing the muscle then allowing for rest and growth. A seed must die in the ground before it can grow. Your children need nurturing, but they also need to be stretched and challenged with trials. In a way, your child is like a seed. They must die to their old ways as they mature from boy to man or girl to woman. Trials are painful but necessary for growth.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]Are you taking time, on a regular basis, to teach, listen, and mentor your children? Drop us a line if you would like resources to help you in these areas.

[ut_icon icon=”fa-arrow-right” size=”fa-2x” border=”circle” align=”alignnone” color=”#1e73be”]You take your career seriously. Are you intentional about taking your role as father seriously? Spend time with other fathers. Get mentored. Get trained.

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Abiding Fathers is a Biblical fatherhood discipleship ministry committed to helping men be the dad…God wants them to be. It’s a movement of God that is “International-Relational-Generational”. Join with us. We need you!

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