How are you at lifting?

A photo of a wooden cross in front of a mountain.

How are you at lifting?

Be the Dad

Power lifting

The older I get the less weight I can lift. Never was a ‘strong man’. I lift weights now to keep my muscles toned, what there is left of them. And I sure never could lift huge weights over my head. Some guys at the gym amaze me doing the power lifting. And many of us are asked to carry a heavy burden, needing something or someone to lift the weight off our shoulders, so to speak. There are people who know how to lighten others’ loads through their caring love.

Here, Jesus is addressing the people about his impending destiny, his hour for which he came to earth was near. Right before he spoke, the heavenly Father spoke out loud for all to hear. They were speculating on who or what it was. Jesus tells them the message was for them, but they didn’t comprehend. He makes a very bold statement about judgment and the fact that the ‘ruler of this world’ would be cast out, defeated.

Lift high the cross

But how? His answer related back to Numbers 21.8-9. God was unhappy with Israel’s actions and sent snakes into the camp in the desert where some were bitten and died. They sought forgiveness and God had Moses hang a fiery serpent on a pole, so when anyone was bitten, they could look at the snake and live. Grace and mercy on behalf of his people. Jesus was pointing to his crucifixion where he would be lifted on a cross to become a sacrifice for all people.

The question is, are you and I continuing to lift high the cross of Christ? Because, if we are, then those he died for can be saved to new life.

Written by Bill C. Dotson

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Abiding Fathers is a Biblical fatherhood discipleship ministry committed to helping men be the dad…God wants them to be. It’s a movement of God that is “International-Relational-Generational”. Join with us. We need you!

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