Baseball and The Gospel


Baseball and The Gospel

Life Today!

©2015 | Luke Ellerman

Playing ball

Today I got the opportunity to bring out the one baseball and two baseball gloves that I brought from home. I introduced the sport I love the most to my host family, who had never heard of the sport of baseball before. This was one of those moments in life that I will never forget. I put one glove on, gave the other to the oldest child (8 year old girl), and began to throw. While to this moment they are still trying to put the glove on their hands, that didn’t stop them from having a great time. I threw the ball three times, and then handed the glove over to the other daughter (6 years old). I stepped back, and had the joy of watching two girls have the biggest smiles on their faces. It wasn’t but five minutes that the entire village had come out to see what was going on, and wanted to join the fun as well.

Joy in Jesus

I took a few pictures so that I would never forget this moment, but to a miniscule degree, I believe I felt as Paul did in his ministry. Paul’s entire ministry was introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to villages and cities throughout the world. He introduced it, he showed them the joy that Jesus had brought into his own life, and wanted to share it with others. And from the joy they saw and experienced in their own life, realized that they had to share this gift as well. This is how the original church worked. I know that baseball and Jesus Christ are not even comparable, but it is a similar idea. I can, to a degree, understand the joy that Paul had in watching others take a hold of the gift that he had shared to others. Not only seeing them enjoy it, but enjoy it so much that they shared it with others.

I look forward to telling you more stories similar to this one!


Luke Ellerman
Sent from Rwanda

For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. Rom. 1:16

Article Notes:
Scripture is from NKJV

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